Everything your celebrant will do for your wedding
So you’re getting married – congratulations! Chances are you’ve already started thinking about what kind of ceremony you want, but have you thought about who will officiate it? If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry – this blog post will tell you everything your celebrant will do for your wedding.
What is the role of a marriage celebrant
A marriage celebrant is a person who officiates at a wedding ceremony. They are responsible for ensuring that the marriage is legal and that all the required paperwork is completed. In addition, they may also help to plan and personalise the ceremony, choose readings and music that will reflect the couple’s personalities and relationship. A marriage celebrant can also offer guidance and support to the couple in the lead-up to their big day. Whether you are looking for someone to simply sign the paperwork or someone to help you create a truly unique and personal ceremony, a marriage celebrant can be an invaluable asset.

What to expect from your celebrant
The initial meeting
Your first contact with your celebrant, maybe via email and it is hard to gauge the fit through emails. So if you can, arrange to have a phone conversation before a face to face meeting to see if the celebrant sounds like someone you would like to conduct your ceremony as you would want someone who speaks well, is articulate and you like the sound of their voice.
Then when you first meet with the celebrant you are looking for an instant connection / feeling / vibe. Go with your gut feeling. You want a celebrant that you can connect with and are able to chat with and have a laugh. Someone that reflects what you as a couple are and how you want your wedding day to mean.
The celebrant will go through the legalities that are associated with getting married and completing the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) form.
At this meeting, discussions are had about the style of wedding ceremony you want, the number in the wedding party and the words that will be written for your wedding service.
It is a time for the celebrant and the couple to get to know one another. To talk about where the couple first met and many other things which all goes into helping the celebrant write your personal wedding ceremony.
Writing your ceremony
There are some legal words that just have to be said in the ceremony. But the rest of the ceremony reflects the couple and what they would like to have written.
Everyone’s ceremony is different. Some ceremonies have the couple’s fur baby involved in the service, some like a short ceremony, some like a poem or special words read, some like to add in special moments of remembering lost loved ones.
The ceremony is written in conjunction with the couple which make the ceremony uniquely theirs.
Assisting with Vows
I have a list of questions which I give to the couple that they can use as prompts to help them remember events and moments of their time together. What actually led them to this moment in their relationship.
Wherever the couple need assistance in formulating their actual vows, I’m there to help pull it together.
Personalising your ceremony
The ceremony should reflect the couple and their life so far, and where their hopes and dreams of life together. It is through talking with the couple, writing the service and for them to have their input that makes it unique to them.
Legal & Paperwork
A wedding ceremony is not only an occasion of joy and happiness for family and friends to witness their joining together of two people into marriage, there is a legal component as well.
There are a minimum of five (5) legal documents that have to be witnessed and signed by the couple, two witnesses and the authorised marriage celebrant. These then need to be submitted to the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) in the Australian State the wedding service took place. Once these are lodged an Official Marriage Certificate issued by BDM can be obtained which is required by the couple for proof of marriage.
The Rehearsal
A rehearsal prior to the wedding day can help settle everyone’s nerves.
Everyone knows what music is being played and how long it takes for the wedding party to walk up the aisle to the music. They know where they need to stand, what to do when the couple move to sign the legal paperwork and of course the finale – the return walk back down the aile as a married couple.
Not everyone decides they would like to have this, but it is included in my pricing.
The Big Day
The Big Day has arrived. Nerves and emotions are running high.
I arrive at the ceremony location 1 hour prior to the service commencing to ensure everything is in order. My equipment is set up and ready to go. I meet with the groom and we have a chat, go through things and make sure he is feeling calm. Chat with family and guests and assist with final details of the set up.
And then when the big moment comes and the entrance music starts playing, we are all set and ready to GO!
After the Wedding
Once the wedding is over and the couple have made their exit down the aisle, I disassemble my equipment, pack it up, finalise the paperwork and hand the Commemorative Marriage Certificate and my little gift pack to a nominated person of the couple for them to hold onto until maybe the next morning.

Things to Consider When Choosing your Marriage celebrant
Consider Your Beliefs
When choosing a wedding celebrant, it is important to consider your beliefs. If you are of a particular religion, you will want to choose a celebrant who shares your beliefs. This will ensure that your ceremony is conducted in a way that is respectful of your beliefs.
Consider Your Budget
Another important factor to consider when choosing a wedding celebrant is your budget. On average, wedding celebrants prices start from about $500 at Registry offices and heads into thousands, so you will need to decide how much you are willing to spend on a celebrant.
Consider Your Style
When choosing a wedding celebrant, it is also important to consider your style. Do you want a traditional ceremony or something more unique? Do you want a religious ceremony or a secular one? Knowing what kind of ceremony you want will help you narrow down your choices when it comes to selecting a celebrant.
Consider Your Guests
It is also important to consider your guests when choosing a wedding celebrant. If you have guests who are of different religions or belief systems, you will want to choose a celebrant who is comfortable officiating at a ceremony that includes people of different backgrounds. Additionally, if you have guests who do not speak English as their first language, you will want to choose a celebrant who is comfortable officiating in multiple languages.
Meet with Potential Celebrants
Once you have considered all of the above factors, it is time to start meeting with potential wedding celebrants! This is an important step in the process as it will allow you to get to know the celebrant and determine whether they are the right fit for you and your fiancee. Be sure to ask lots of questions and get a feel for their personality and style before making your final decision.
Choosing the right celebrant is an important decision in ensuring your wedding day is perfect. A professional and experienced celebrant will work with you to understand what kind of ceremony you are after, help with paperwork and make sure your special day runs smoothly. If you would like more information on what I can do for your wedding, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.