Naming and Blessing Ceremonies
It is a joyous occasion to welcome new life and love into the world. Together, we can create a bespoke ceremony to formally introduce your child into your loving circle of family and friends. The nature of the celebration can be as traditional or as creative as you please.
Involving the important people in your child's life
There is an opportunity to invite other adults to play a strong and supportive role in your child’s life and development.
Combining a birthday party and a Naming or Blessing ceremony can work very well, and during the Ceremony, you may choose to include a poem, inspirational readings, a ritual, or speech, or just a few positive words or actions, to add or enhance significance.
Naming ceremonies are appropriate for anyone, at any age:
- The arrival of a new baby
- Celebrating in conjunction with a 1st birthday
- Uniting of step or adopted children within a family
- Unification of blended families
- Adult name change

What happens at a naming ceremony?
The best part of a naming ceremony is that you have complete autonomy over how you wish it to occur! You may like to include readings, poetry or music that may be symbolic to you and your family. Many people wish to share the meaning behind their child’s name or perhaps share the story of their child. You may like to share the significance of certain family members or friends who are in attendance and their impact on you and your child.
It is also quite common to appoint “god parents” or “guide parents”, who are significant loved ones that may play an extra special role in your child’s life.
How long does a naming ceremony go for?
This can vary from person to person. The formal service generally runs for approximately 15-30 minutes. However, many families wish to continue the celebration with activities, games, music and food.

What is the role of a celebrant at a naming ceremony?
My role is to lead the proceedings and make sure the day runs to plan. I can assist in planning and help guide you through what can be involved in a ceremony. I provide the experienced communication and presentation skills to tailor a service that is befitting of your child and your family.

Tom & Rachael

Jessica & Dan

Danielle and Shaun

Charlotte & Matt

Central Coast –
147 Pacific Hwy,
Ourimbah NSW 2258
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